Blog Extra Bling

The 10 best fashion podcasts you can’t stop listening to

The 10 best fashion podcasts you can’t stop listening to

Image Credits   Revivalism is growing and not only did “video killed the radio star” as the podcast world is giving radio a new life. Fashion podcasting is on-trend and can be a remarkably interesting conversation. You can listen to topics such as fashion history, or how to find the most sustainable jeans, or how to navigate the fashion business. Also, fashion is not just about looking good or cool, it’s about addressing issues such as pollution, ethics, or racial inequality. Listen to the most relevant voices in fashion. 1.   Fashion Fix with Charli Howard How to make ethical dress...

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How to live a more balanced work-life

How to live a more balanced work-life

It’s not about being balanced it’s about the journey to achieve it. Perfect balance doesn’t exist, it’s not about that. It’s about a realistic journey, a will to attain a better, healthier life: mentally and physically and perform at your best. Your business or your work or family, they all need you, they need the best of you… you need to be at your best. It just takes a bit of work. Consider the cost of ignoring it: fatigue, lost time with family and friends, poor health, depression, burnout… Particularly entrepreneurs, we all know there are several business stages, and...

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You won’t believe the locket jewelry history

You won’t believe the locket jewelry history

This is the most personal story of all the jewelry pieces ever! It’s incredible how many lockets you can find in an antique jewelry store. All of them tell a story, all of them have an incredible past, some of them even made history. Some are engraved, others still have a lock of hair inside, others a picture… Jewelry lockets are filled with mystery and a vibe that no other jewelry piece can achieve.  Locket necklaces have a background of love, mourning, remembrance, usually a road to a past. Some lockets are made of gold, others are made of silver,...

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Como uma pequena marca pode vender mais neste Natal

Como uma pequena marca pode vender mais neste Natal

O Natal 2020 está quase aí e todas as marcas e negócios se questionam como ultrapassar esta nova realidade imposta pelo COVID-19. Esta pandemia forçou muitos negócios a mudar porque os consumidores também mudaram, e as suas expectativas também. Na Wonther temos isso em consideração e como somos fãs de partilhar o nosso conhecimento, fizemos um resumo que esperamos ajudar outras pequenas marcas neste Natal. Se a concorrência no online antes era feroz, neste contexto, mesmo as marcas que eram maioritariamente online, passaram a contar com mais concorrência. O comportamento dos consumidores também mudou, e mesmo depois de se falar...

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