Blog Extra Bling — sisterhood

5 contemporary inspiring female poets

5 contemporary inspiring female poets

We need to acknowledge women’s hard work and talent in every field including the art world. The assumption that women find fulfillment simply through marriage, motherhood, and housekeeping lasted for too many years. Betty Friedan’s book published in 1963 coined the term “feminine mystique'' to describe this assumption. At that time, in the western world, women weren’t able to aspire for higher education or a career in any field. The sphere of literature wasn’t any different.  Many women writers had to publish their work using a male pseudonym. Can you imagine this reality?  Even JK Rowling, one of the most...

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Why sisterhood matters

Why sisterhood matters

Imagine a place of cheering and not judging… where behind every successful woman there is a sisterhood of other women who have her back and where the first thought is always: be your sister’s keeper. This is Sisterhood, it’s a world of empathy from women to women. At Wonther this is the world we've envisioned. Sisterhood is about female camaraderie. It’s the basis of long and strong relationships. It’s all about being the champion of other women, of celebrating other women’s successes, not just in the workplace, but in their personal lives too. For instance, when you listen to derogatory...

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