Moonstone precious stone has enchanted the hearts of many jewelry lovers. Some people wear moonstone because of its beauty, others recognize its loving energy: it’s thought to harvest the energy of the moon. It has been used for thousands of years, and beneath a pearly veil, it hosts a deep meaning. It’s known as a representation of the yin (feminine energy), and as a stone that promotes healing and balance. Let’s dive into the luring glowing sheen of moonstone.
The spiritual meaning of moonstone
Moonstone crystal has a tangible connection to the magic of the moon.
The moon, in many spiritual traditions, represents the divine feminine. It’s said women’s fertility cycles connect with the waxing and waning of the moon. As it waxes and wanes in cyclic perfection, it influences our behaviors, emotions, and spiritual growth. And so, the moonstone it’s thought to balance hormonal and reproductive matters. It calms and encourages us, teaching us the natural rhythms of life. Unlike other stones, rather than feeling energized, you’ll feel calm and collected. It really is a unique type of energy.
Because of its influence on emotions and uplifting ability, moonstone is known as the Traveler’s Stone. They used it as a talisman, an amulet of protection, especially at night, and it was often a gift from lovers.
In fact, due to moonstone’s feminine energy, many used it to improve one’s romantic life. It represents sensuality, fertility, and motherly protection. It has been used in Roman jewelry for two thousand years, and far more in the Orient. In Europe, it was believed to reconcile estranged lovers, and it has still a special meaning for lovers in India, where it’s considered a sacred stone and used as a traditional wedding gift.
Unlike other stones, rather than feeling energized, you’ll feel calm and collected. |
What is a moonstone?
Moonstone is an ethereal gem. Scientifically, it's a shiny variety of orthoclase, one of the feldspar minerals, which constitute around 60% of the Earth’s crust. Other famous feldspars are amazonite, sunstone, and labradorite.
Moonstones are sometimes called “adularia”, named after an early mining site near Mt. Adular in Switzerland (now the town of St. Gotthard), a famous source for these gems.
Adularescence is caused when a beam of light is spread out as it hits thin, alternating layers of orthoclase and albite within the gem. It is an optical phenomenon that exists only in the presence of light. The effect of adularescence gives the impression of lunar light floating on water, hence the name moonstone.
Moonstone comes in a variety of colors: delicate shades of peach, blue, gray, white, and a prismatic variety known as Rainbow. Depending on what kind of healing you are looking for, there’s a different color. White moonstone, for instance, carries the energy of the full moon. Just like the full moon, white moonstone is supposed to magnify your emotions. It’s thought to activate feminine energy in women and emotional balance in men while assisting them to develop their receptive power.
Moonstone origins
Moonstone precious stone has been used in jewelry for over two thousand years. It became popular as a powerful talisman in ancient civilizations - especially as a protection stone for travelers - before the Romans began using moonstone as jewelry in 100 AD. The Romans and Greeks believed it was a part of the moon itself, created from drops of moonlight. They associated it with their moon deities. The moon goddess Diana would grant love, victory, wealth, and wisdom to whoever possessed a moonstone.
It was Pliny the Elder who coined the name of this gemstone when he wrote - in The Natural History - that moonstone’s shimmery appearance shifted with the phases of the moon. This is one of the largest works that survived from the Roman Empire to the modern-day.
Adding to that, moonstone became jewelers' main choice in the Art Nouveau period between 1890 and 1910. That’s when it gained popularity. French goldsmiths started to make beautiful moonstone jewelry for royalty and the upper class. René Lalique and Louis Comfort Tiffany are some of the great designers who did it. Moonstone continued to be popular with hippies in the 1960s and designers in the New Age movement of the 1990s.
The most historically interesting moonstone mines are found in Switzerland's Adula Mountains. However, you can also find moonstone in Myanmar, India, Norway, the USA, Brazil, Tanzania, Australia, Germany, and Madagascar.
Moonstone’s uses and purposes
You might be asking yourself: what is moonstone used for? The moonstone benefits are endless, and you can easily find a purpose for it in almost every phase of your life.
Moonstone is known to enhance the connection to the divine feminine, increasing feelings of nurturing, spiritual curiosity, and acceptance. According to Ashley Leavy, founder of the Love and Light School of Crystal Therapy, moonstone is thought to balance emotions, increase fascination, and improve focus.
As a stone that helps balance emotions, every person can wear moonstone to develop personality, professional skills, and productivity. It can help in self-expression, enhance self-acceptance and promote sensitivity.
The power of moonstone is often believed to help women control their anger and negative energy, as well as to help regulate menstrual problems and pain relief during birth - below you’ll see this further explained as we mention physical healing.
Although moonstone is most known for being a women’s stone, it is not women exclusive. Men with a high testosterone level, or with too much of a rational way of interpreting the world can also benefit greatly from moonstone. This stone has a soothing energy that works very well with Lapis Lazuli, blending masculine with feminine for balance.
Linked with the crown, third eye, and heart chakras, moonstone calms and relieves stress, while channeling one's feminine side.
Moonstone is known to enhance the connection to the divine feminine, increasing feelings of nurturing, spiritual curiosity, and acceptance. |
How to use moonstone for healing
People have used moonstone crystals as a protection talisman for many years. Among many other things, it can serve as a reminder that life is made of cycles, just like the ever-changing moon. That’s why it’s also known as the Stone of New Beginnings.
Spiritual Healing
As we’ve been emphasizing, moonstone can provide hope for the future, and bring useful insights. Many people wear moonstone in jewelry to strengthen their spirituality, because it promotes balance, inspires stronger focus, and pushes negativity away.
To better understand moonstone’s spiritual meaning, you need to consider the Chinese philosophy of the Yin (feminine) and the Yang (masculine), which states that all things in the universe exist as inseparable and contradictory opposites. Two complementary or competing energies, such as the sun and the moon, the man and the woman, or light and dark. One cannot exist without the other, and balance is the golden key. Moonstone is the most appropriate stone to do this because it allows you to balance your yang with Moonstone's yin - the latter being known as the feminine and passive energy, present in the calm colors and soft music surrounding you. Some people believe moonstone is beneficial for rituals involving the Divine Feminine, the moon, and all mythological goddesses.
Emotional Healing
As human beings, we all feel consumed by certain emotions at certain times. They can be, for instance, compassion and sympathy, or envy and anger. Moonstone can help suppress dark emotions, helping us find balance, and instilling tranquility into our heart and mind. Moonstone has long been known for its calming, soothing qualities on the emotional body. It reinforces women’s feminine power, helping them bring out and incorporate their feminine side. It helps men stimulate the right side of the brain, prompting unmethodical thinking and emotional balance.
Given that moonstone is filled with receptive, passive, and feminine energy, it calms over-reactions and aids in releasing frustration and surrendering to the natural development of the cycles of life.
Physical Healing
Moonstone healing properties on the human body are about supporting normal rhythms. This stone is used to benefit the feminine reproductive system, improve fertility, encourage hormonal balance and reduce retention of fluids. As it’s connected with the lunar cycle, many believe it controls a woman's cycle, alleviating premenstrual syndrome symptoms, bloating, and pain experienced during the cycle; it’s also thought to facilitate pregnancy and childbirth. Likewise, it’s known for supporting hormonal balance for women going through menopause, helping to alleviate menopausal symptoms.
Claims have it that moonstone benefits extend to degenerative diseases involving the eyes, fleshy organs, hair, and skin. Moonstone healing properties are also thought to be beneficial to the digestive cycle, facilitating the absorption of nutrients and the elimination of toxins.
Many people wear moonstone in jewelry to strengthen their spirituality, because it promotes balance, inspires stronger focus, and pushes negativity away. |
How to clean the moonstone crystal
Be careful with the method you choose to clean your moonstone.
As you’ve probably already heard: better be safe than sorry. If you wear your moonstone in a piece of jewelry, such as the Good Vibe Locket, please remove the stone from it first. Next, place the moonstone under running water.
If you’d like, soak it in soapy water. Mix a few drops of gentle dish soap with water and soak the stone for a couple of minutes. Then, use a piece of soft cloth to wipe it dry.
Bear in mind that moonstone is sensitive to heat and chemicals.
Fun facts about moonstone
Moonstone is a unique stone - mysterious, fashionable, and mesmerizingly beautiful. Now that you’ve got the chance to better understand its wonders, here are a few more fun facts that may blow your mind:
- Legend says one can see their future by placing moonstone in their mouths during the full moon.
- Moonstone is used in Ayurvedic medicine - considered by many the oldest form of medicine in the world. The practitioner may use moonstone along with prescribed dietary herbs, diet, exercise, and other lifestyle recommendations.
- June is one of the two months with three birthstones: pearl, alexandrite, and… moonstone.
- The moonstone is the Florida State Gemstone; it was designated as such in 1970 to commemorate the moon landings.
- The ancients believed that those seeking true love should hold the gem in their hands during a full moon and envision their love coming to them. Next, they should carry the stone with them until the next full moon for the spell to take effect.
- The moonstone is associated with the third anniversary of married couples.
- Blue moonstone should be worn over the heart or throat chakra to enhance inner peace and tranquility; while white moonstone should be worn over the heart to balance feminine energy and hormones, soothing emotions.
The Good Vibes Locket with moonstone
If you're looking for a wellness jewelry piece, or a gemstone to give to the women in your life, look no further. The Wonther Good Vibes Locket can incorporate several stones or crystals, and one of them is moonstone, one of our most dear stones.
Moonstone and its gentle feminine energy will guide the person who carries it towards self-reflection, deep healing, and spiritual growth. Its power can nourish and awaken your feminine energies, while re-energizing both mind and body, washing negativity away. It can do magic in its owner’s life. If you feel attracted to this stone, this is your stone!