Some extra bling Blog

Why sisterhood matters

Why sisterhood matters

Imagine a place of cheering and not judging… where behind every successful woman there is a sisterhood of other women who have her back and where the first thought is always: be your sister’s keeper. This is Sisterhood, it’s a world of empathy from women to women. At Wonther this is the world we've envisioned. Sisterhood is about female camaraderie. It’s the basis of long and strong relationships. It’s all about being the champion of other women, of celebrating other women’s successes, not just in the workplace, but in their personal lives too. For instance, when you listen to derogatory...

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12 inspiring black women-owned businesses that will inspire you

12 inspiring black women-owned businesses that will inspire you

Image by Resistance Fashion February is dedicated to Black History, honoring the struggles, but also celebrating the triumphs of African Americans through the history of the United States. Even though it started in the US, now it’s also honored in Canada and in several other countries such as Ireland. Think about this: if history is only occupied by around 0,5% of female features, what about Black women features? History has deprived us of women’s history, achievements, amazing bravery, inspiring role models, because mostly it has been written by men. At this point great minds such as Professor Gina from New...

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What if you just want to be happy?

What if you just want to be happy?

Forget about it, just live happily. When anyone asks you, what do you want besides material stuff, you might just say: to be happy. Or maybe on those days when your life just feels gloomy and overwhelming you might just say loudly: but I just want to be happy! Turns out that you might be wishing for the wrong thing, you really don’t want to be happy, you want to live happily. And on the other hand, you might just pursue happiness as something tangible, and that might not work either. Because, you know, most of the times when you...

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10 best jewelry pieces for Valentine’s Day

10 best jewelry pieces for Valentine’s Day

LOVE needs to be celebrated. It has kept us alive for years.  Please, seal it with a kiss and bring back the moment when we had our first kiss. It’s not boring, it’s not overrated, it’s not shameful, it’s one of the most amazing feelings in the world. So, celebrate love, with no boundaries because love is to be felt thoroughly. Love unconditionally.

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