Love, Give Back, Repeat - Gold Edition


We're offering to buy your unwanted gold pieces


Melting Ethical Gold


Through the LOVE, GIVE BACK, REPEAT - Gold Edition campaign we are purchasing any type of gold pieces, old, damaged, or unwanted, in exchange for a voucher for you to use on your next purchase at Wonther. Let's recycle?

We will add you 20% value on top of the market gold reselling prices.

“There are no clean or ecological precious metals unless they are recycled.” 

The only way to make a precious metal 100% sustainable is through recycling. A piece of jewelry can be recycled without losing any of its characteristics. We want to encourage recycling and, this way, reduce mining and the pollution caused by it - the second most polluting industry in the world. 



Love the pieces you own. 
Style and restyle them, take the coolest pics and share amazing moments together.



Once they’re no longer trendy or you’re just tired of them, don’t throw them in the drawer for ages. Give them a second chance.

Ship them to us for recycling.


Purchase new pieces and live a more sustainable life.



 Wondering how to sell your piece? Fill the form here

And what are we going to do with the pieces received?

We will recycle everything we are sent! We will transform them into new pieces that can be loved again. We know that perfection doesn’t exist, but we promise that we will make a difference in everything we do. Any questions or suggestions (we love suggestions!) contact us at