Some extra bling Blog

30 LGBTQIA+ terms you should know

30 LGBTQIA+ terms you should know

At Wonther we strongly believe that education, language, and the complete understanding of it are a few of the most powerful weapons. Language can bring us closer together and foster deeper empathy. We’ve put together a list of inclusive terms to help build that bridge. In order to help end homophobia and transphobia, learning to be an ally without saying something offensive is key.  Here are the LGBTQIA+ terms we think you should know to describe different types of sexual and romantic feelings and orientations. These will help you understand the many ways people identify their sexuality.    1. Agender...

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Malachite Stone: a power and heart stone

Malachite Stone: a power and heart stone

Malachite should be taken in for its beauty because it’s one of the most vibrant stones. It’s been linked to success and as a guardian stone for travelers. Overall, it’s a bad energy repellent. If you feel attracted to this stone, this is your stone.   What is Malachite Did you know that malachite contains 58% copper? Malachite is a green copper carbonate mineral that forms at shallow depths within the Earth, in the oxidizing zone above copper deposits. Basically, it forms after the copper has been weathered and oxidized. So, the green color comes from an alternative form of...

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44 Best songs to celebrate LGBTQIA+ pride and why

44 Best songs to celebrate LGBTQIA+ pride and why

June especially means the celebration of Pride Month and since music is the universal language, what better way to celebrate it than to crank up a playlist of the best songs to celebrate LGBTQIA+? Here are 44 awesome songs to stir the heart and move the hips. Let’s all celebrate as if we were at a Fire Island party!  Hit play, and let your rainbow energy flow.  1. Heather, Conan Gray                                         On the topic of love, it really sucks when your...

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5 easy ways to reduce the carbon footprint of your fashion choices

5 easy ways to reduce the carbon footprint of your fashion choices

Yes, our fashion choices impact the world: the fashion industry is a top global polluter. So, yes, your choices towards each brand you direct your money to, matter. Fast fashion is not sustainable, and fast fashion brands will definitely not become sustainable any time soon. Your choices have an impact. It's up to you whether that impact is positive or negative. Climate change was described by naturalist David Attenborough as the biggest threat to security that modern humans have ever faced.  Intense drought, storms, rising sea levels, melting glaciers, heat waves, and warming oceans… These are all challenges we are...

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